I don’t know squat about this subject…
But if you want to read on.
The interesting thing about all of this is that I was not prepared to hear that my wife/girlfriend and I would be having a baby. It was not in the schedule and by no means does that mean that we are resenting our decision it just meant that we would be planning on It sometime in our relationship just not 2 years in. In my heart of hearts I knew that Angie was my soul mate and that I would no longer need to be alone with my own thoughts and feeling like I would never find someone. Honestly there is no one better suited to be a fine mother for our child.
We’re having a baby boy in a couple of months and at first I was terrified. I mean completely anxious and scared that I would be responsible for a life. Not only that it was that this life would look to me for inspiration and love and courage which I sometimes lack for others. I hear though that this type of love is non-existential when a single guy with nothing to worry about but my brother (who will remain anonymous) was telling this story that when his x-gf back in the day was pregnant with his son that his son would not ever respond to his touch when he would touch her belly. Well one day he had his head pressed against her stomach and he felt his hand caress his face. At that point he pointed out that he started to ball like a baby. I don’t know if I would ever find myself ever reacting that way but it was a pretty touching scenario.
The way my thought process has changed is interesting too. Not only will I stand still sometimes to watch a mother and her toddler in a parking lot and think to myself “That’s going to be my son and my lovely wife walking hand in hand someday.” But I am literally thinking changing jobs and doing something better in order to offer my son a better life as well as a better home environment. Making him experience something that my childhood lacked which was a loving home and parents that would encourage your endeavours. Sure I’m still afraid of what’s going to happen when he is born but I’ve also come to learn that this is not a solo experience. I am just so damn happy to a T that Angie is with me on this ride.
I love you both.
And I hope that’s enough.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Jeffrey The Mage
Day 1: Freedom
Turns out I was correct. He WAS the king and he claimed to know me as well. Weird. What a weird guy to just come into my cell and claim to know me. I’m just a petty thief who was accidentally accused. I swear. Anyway it turns out that they were on the run from something because the captain who was a foxy lady opened a secret door in my cell.
Man was that place dangerous. At every turned it seemed like something was out to kill me and was well there traps and goblins. What the heck was this place built on? At that point I started to wonder if I would get the hell out of here.

The day started out quite on the contrary to my belief. I thought that I would get woken up by the guards for morning exercise (god how I hate that, can’t I just sleep?) but when I saw dawn outside my window I went to my cell door and realized it was getting later than I thought. Then the jerk across the way started babbling about me getting killed. What a jerk. I never liked that guy so I hope he gets something thrown into his food. I will put in a word to the cook. He’s a good friend of mine. I suddenly started to hear the guards coming dreading the fact that I would have to sweat. When I saw who it was it was not the normal guard but a quadruplet of people. 3 in fancy armor and one dressed as if he thought himself the king of England. Dumb fancy pants.

Turns out I was correct. He WAS the king and he claimed to know me as well. Weird. What a weird guy to just come into my cell and claim to know me. I’m just a petty thief who was accidentally accused. I swear. Anyway it turns out that they were on the run from something because the captain who was a foxy lady opened a secret door in my cell.

I had nothing better to do but follow them even though the other 2 jerks were being way jerky towards me. Not too long after descending into the caverns we were attacked by inconspicuous characters unfortunately not all of us made it. The poor foxy captain was killed. No time for mourning the trio decided to take their leave of me. Then the wall to my right fell apart and I was suddenly attacked by a couple of huge rats. I was not convinced this was going to go well. Using the teachings from mage school I conjured up some power of awesomeness and burned those babies to the ground. If it was going to go like this I knew I needed a weapon so I decided to take the sword of the dead captain and proceed to get out of this place. I was no longer concerned with what the king told me.
Man was that place dangerous. At every turned it seemed like something was out to kill me and was well there traps and goblins. What the heck was this place built on? At that point I started to wonder if I would get the hell out of here.
After leaving that section I found myself meeting up with the trio albeit they were still not happy to see me. Jerks. Sad thing is it was the last time I would see the king alive. He was killed by some assailents but not before handing me the pendant of kings (which I tried wearing but would slip off of my neck) and told me to deliver it to a guy named Jauffre. Saying goodbye to his corpse I booked it out of there and proceeded to find the exit. I descended to some sewers and could smell the fresh air. Not too long after though I was confronted by some goblins and giant sewer rats. Taking care of them I headed for the light at the end of the tunnel and found daylight.

Monday, November 2, 2009
Jeffrey The Mage
Day 2: Taking the road closest to home. Also, taking this rat stench off my new clothes.
Stepping out of that sewer made me love my new surroundings so much more. Problem was that my new robes still stunk of sewer radioactive rat so I decided to jump in the lake that was directly ahead of me not considering any dangers that lurked beneath the water. I headed to shore immediately thereafter. I stepped out and realized that my clothes were dry. I don’t know about you but in mage school when we were doing our ‘’Magey’’ expirements we knew that when you dip a clothing of any type into water it soaked up some of it and I kid you not. My clothing was still dry. I didn’t think too much of it and continued down the road then it came to me.
‘’Where am I going?’’ I asked myself.
I tapped myself down and realized I had a map (How convenient). I knew no one around here so I had really no place to go. I know the old man who claimed to be King Uriel told me to deliver this amulet to someone named Jauffre and as I scanned the map I saw that there was a red mark on my map. I thought maybe I should go there but I thought that would be boring so I said “Nah, maybe later.” So I ran my finger down to the southern most part of the map and decided on a little town called Leyawin.
There I would know why I was so drawn to going there.
But first, some sleep!
Friday, October 30, 2009
This week in My Brain!!!!!
Welcome all readers to my weekly roundoup of things I have experienced this past week and some ops on them:
-This week was halloween. Now after an extensive hiatus from my family I decided (was asked by my wife) to invite a large amount of my family to my house for a party in dress up. In retrospect I think it was a bad idea BUT I will not say that the remaining people who weren't trouble were great. Also I took a look at what could be my worse nightmare in a misbehaving kid. Luckily my wife reassured me that THAT would not be our child. So smiles and fuzzies to me. Oh and I went as Jesus and my wife went as a pregnant Nun.
- Raiding has gotten boring. I will now wait for Icecrown Citadel to come out. Not to mention that the guild has gotten quite boring. Noone goes out of their way to make convo and if there is convo its about the stupid game. No thanks.
-Found out that I had a slight case of genital warts. Now I dont know if I should be mentioning this but it did cause quite a stir in my life considering that we are having a baby. All in all everythings ok and my wife did not contract the disease.
-UYD live from new york was great. Althought I wish the ep was a little longer. What the fuck happens when things go Live? I will never know.
-Saw one of my good friends from a while back. Hes gonna be a rabbi. Congrats to him. His girlfriend is amazing. I smell a podcast comming soon.
Thats it. The last week of october. We get an extra hour of sleep so thank you october. The weather has gotten a bit chillier in the morning so no short sleeved shirts. Boo!
Welcome November.
Joseph "Making Room for Turkey" Velasquez
Things I'm Reading: Impossible Man, Pillars of the Earth
Games I'm Playing: Oblivion GOTY, FFVII CC, World of Warcraft, Team Fortress 2
-This week was halloween. Now after an extensive hiatus from my family I decided (was asked by my wife) to invite a large amount of my family to my house for a party in dress up. In retrospect I think it was a bad idea BUT I will not say that the remaining people who weren't trouble were great. Also I took a look at what could be my worse nightmare in a misbehaving kid. Luckily my wife reassured me that THAT would not be our child. So smiles and fuzzies to me. Oh and I went as Jesus and my wife went as a pregnant Nun.
- Raiding has gotten boring. I will now wait for Icecrown Citadel to come out. Not to mention that the guild has gotten quite boring. Noone goes out of their way to make convo and if there is convo its about the stupid game. No thanks.
-Found out that I had a slight case of genital warts. Now I dont know if I should be mentioning this but it did cause quite a stir in my life considering that we are having a baby. All in all everythings ok and my wife did not contract the disease.
-UYD live from new york was great. Althought I wish the ep was a little longer. What the fuck happens when things go Live? I will never know.
-Saw one of my good friends from a while back. Hes gonna be a rabbi. Congrats to him. His girlfriend is amazing. I smell a podcast comming soon.
Thats it. The last week of october. We get an extra hour of sleep so thank you october. The weather has gotten a bit chillier in the morning so no short sleeved shirts. Boo!
Welcome November.
Joseph "Making Room for Turkey" Velasquez
Things I'm Reading: Impossible Man, Pillars of the Earth
Games I'm Playing: Oblivion GOTY, FFVII CC, World of Warcraft, Team Fortress 2
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Yogg says hello to Bound...
After 3 hours of pounding our head against this guy and extending a couple of raid lockouts we finally downed this old vagina mouth.
Thanks to everyone in the raid:
I hope I got everyone.
We did faaaaaaaantastic.
Up next: ALGALON! (mehbe)
Joseph "Icecrown Here We Come" Velasquez
Monday, October 26, 2009
Monday October 26th 2009 11:36 p.m. //Borderlands Parteh!

I'm not going to go into lots of detail of what the game is about and what you do or the mechanics and crap like that. I just won't waste your time on all that stuff that you can read anywhere else. I will just love it enough though to say that after a few hours of the single player and a couple more online I really am liking this game. It's a diablo shooter with lots of guns and loot. Share it with friends like a fine wine. Sit down for a couple of hours and shoot hideous mutant dogs and carnies that are trying to rip your spleen out. Its good fun. I will say one thing that really did kind of make me sit in my chair and let out a long sigh was the no dedicated servers thing. I guess I just have to wait til they fix that because I wanted to play with friends and other people and I had to wait for a while the night the game came out because it was just impossible to do. I guess there was a lot of traffic considering. Borderlands is awesome. PERIOD!
Things I'm looking forward to this week:
=Drawing a great comic!
=Having an awesome halloween party [there's gonna be a lot of people]
=Eating my own foot! [I'm sorry angie!]
=Trying not to have seconds [of my own foot]
=Getting over this gross scab in my groin! ew!
-Joseph "Thanking Gearbox for a great game" Velasquez
Sunday, October 25, 2009
October 25th 2009 2:53p.m.
Time is an illusion.
I thought I was growing older when I hit 29 but my brain was still thinking; I want to play WoW. When is the new game informer comming? Can I stay home and nap?
I still feel so much like a kid. That's good though because there's a kid on the way. Boy or girl!
Me: I want to have 3 kids
Angie(mywife): Lets take care of this one first
Me: Okay.
A couple of weeks go by and we have the same conversation again. I think I want 3 kids though.
Anyway lately;
-Been craving Ice Cream and it's supposed to be autumn! Dumb California weather!
-Wanting to draw some comics for my blog. It will happen I swear!
-Justin has been listening to Comedy Death Ray radio and loving it =] (Incomming comic of that!)
-No more raiding for me. Well maybe.
Reading: Impossible Man, The Pillars of the Earth, Diary of a Wimpy Kid
-Joseph "I like what you did there" Velasquez
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